Tornado Alley
The routine of our lives in Vicksburg was frequently disrupted
by the threat of tornadoes. Old timers told me that the city
enjoyed a modicum of protection owing to the topography
of the area. According to the saws, the width of the
Mississippi river and the high bluffs of the area channeled
twisters into the path-of-least resistant flat-lands adjacent
to the city boundaries.
Memorial Day weekend of 2009 I was invited to crew a 36
foot, two-masted ketch thru Mobile Bay, past Petit Bois Island
and back. A leisurely cruise of three days with a friend and
his two teenage lads. I am in love with the notion, history and
craft of sailing. I also experience motion sickness just riding in
the backseat of a car. I suffered the entire trip, except when I
was at the helm, running right angles to the twisters.
Official damage assessments were wrong. We were overtaken
by a 70 foot motor yacht that was towing to port 5 smaller boats
disabled from the storm.